Eye7 Chaudhary Eye Centre: List of Approved Government Panels & Associated Health Insurance Companies

Medical Panels

1AAI (Airport Authority of India)
2AICTE (All India Council of Technical Education)
3Air India
4All India Radio (Prashar Bharti)
5AMHSSC (Apparel, Made-ups & Home Furnishing Sector Skill Council)
6APFPEDA (Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority)
7AR (Assam Rifles)
8BHEL (Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited)
9BIS (Bureau Of Indian Standards)
10BSES Rajdhani (BESE Rajdhani Power Ltd)
11BSES Yamuna (BSES Yamuna Power Ltd)
12BSF (Border Security Force)
13BSNL (Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited)
14CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education)
15CCI (Competition Comission Of India)
16CCRT (Centre For Cultural Rrsources And Training)
17CERC (Central Electricity Regulatory Commission)
18CGEWHO (Central Gov. Employees Welfare Housing Organization)
19CGHS (Central Goverment Health Scheme)
20CISF (Central Industrial Security Force)
21Coal India Ltd.
22CPCB (Central Pollution Control Board)
23CRPF (Central Reserve Police Force)
24CWC (Central Warehouse Corporation)
25DDA (Delhi Development Authority)
26DERC (Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission)
27DFCCIL (Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India Limited)
28DGEHS (Delhi Government Employee’s Health Scheme)
29DHC (Delhi High Court)
30DJB (Delhi Jal Board)
31DMRC (Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Limited)
32DP (Delhi Police)
33DPCC (Delhi Pollution Control Committee)
34DTC (Delhi Transport Corporation)
35DTL (Delhi Transco Limited)
36DTTDC (Delhi Tourism & Transportation Development Corporation Ltd)
37DU (Delhi University)
38DUSIB (Delhi Urban Shelter Improvement Board)
39DVB (Delhi Vidyut Board)
40ECHS (Ex-Serviceman Contributory Health Scheme)
41EIL (Engineers India Limited)
42EPFO (Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation)
43ESI (Jhilmil & Sahibabad)
44FCI (Food Corporation of India)
45GGSU (Guru Govind Singh University)
46Hero Motocorp
47HGHS (Haryana Govt Health Services)
48HIL (India) LTD
50IARI (Indian Agricultural Research Institute)
51ICAR (Indian Council of Agricultural Research)
52ICAR, PUSA (Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute Library Avenue PUSA)
53ICMR (Indian Council of Medical Research)
54ICSI (The Institute of Company Secretaries of India)
55ICSSR (Indian Council of Social Scince Research)
56IFFCO (Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative)
57IHO (Indian Health Organisation)
58IIFT (Indian Institute of Foreign Trade)
59IIMC (Indian Institute of Mass Communication)
60IIT-Delhi (Indian Institute of Technology)
61Indian Navy
62INSA (Indian National Science Academy)
63IPGCL (Indraprastha Power Generation Company Ltd.)
64ITBP (Indo Tibet Border Police)
65ITC Limited – Hotels
66ITDC (India Tourism Development Corporation)
67ITI Limted (Indian Telephone Industries Limted)
68ITPO (India Trade Promotion Organisation)
69IUAC (Inter University Accelerator Centre)
70IWAI (Inland Waterways Authority of India)
72JERC (Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission)
73JHU (Jamia Hamdard University)
74JMI (Jamia Millia Islamia)
75JNU (Jawaharlal Nehru University)
76MCD (Municipal COrporation Development)
77MMTC (Metals and Minerals Trading Corporation)
78MTNL (Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limted)
79Navodya Vidyalaya Samiti
80NBCC (National Buildings Construction Corporation Limited)
81NCERT (National Council of Education Research & Training)
82NDMC (New Delhi Municipal Corporation)
83NHAI (National Highway Authority of India)
84NHI (National Horticulture Board)
86NIEPA (National Institute of Education Planning And Administration)
87NIFT (National Institute of Fashion Technology)
88NII (National Institue of Immunology)
89NIPCCD (National Institute of Public Corporation & Child Development)
90NIPGR (National Institute of Plant Genome Research)
91NITRD (National Institute of TB and Respiratory Diseases)
92NLC India Limited
93NMRC (Noida Metro Rail Corporation Ltd)
95NSG (National Security Guard)
96NSIC (The National Small Industries Corporation Ltd.)
97PCI (Press Council Of India)
98RGHS (Rajasthan Government Health Scheme)
99RBI (Reserve Bank of India)
100Reliance Industries
101SAI (Sports Authority of India)
102SAIL (Steel Authority of India)
103SAU (South Asian University)
104SBI (State Bank of India)
105SCI (Supreme Court Of India)
106SPMCIL (Security Printing & Miniting Corporation of India Limited)
107SSB (Sashastra Seema Bal
108TCIL (Telecommunications Consultants India Limited)
109The Taj Mahal Hotel
110TIFAC (Technology Information Forecasting and Assessment Council)
111TPDDL (Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited)
112TRAI (Telecom Regulatory Authority of India)
113TRIFED (Tribal Cooperative Marketing Development Federation of India Ltd)
114The Taj Mahal Hotel
115UGC (University Grant Commission)
116UIDAI (Unique Identification Authority Of India)
117UPSC (Union Public Service Commission)
118Visit Health Private Limited
120WDRA (Warehousing Development and Regulatory Authority)
121WHO (World Health Organization)

Medical Insurances

S.No.List of TPA
1Acko General Insurance
2Aditya Birla Health Insurance Co. Limited
3Akna Health Insurance TPA Pvt. Ltd.
4Alankit Insurance TPA Limited
5Anmol Medicare InsuranceTPA Ltd.
6Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Co. Ltd.
7Bharti Axa General Insurance
8Care Health Insurance
9Cholamandalam MS General Insurance
10East West Assist Insurance TPA Pvt. Ltd.
11Ericson Insurance TPA Pvt. Ltd.
12Family Health Plan Insurance (TPA) Ltd.
13Future Generali India Insurance Co. Ltd.
14Genins India Insurance TPA Ltd.
15Go Digit General Insurance Co. Ltd.
16Good Health Insurance TPA Ltd.
17Grand Insurance TPA Pvt. Ltd.
18HDFC ERGO General Insurance Co.
19Health India Insurance TPA Services Pvt. Ltd.
20Health Insurance TPA of India Ltd.
21Heritage Health Insurance TPA Pvt. Ltd.
22ICICI Lombard General Insurance Co. Ltd.
23IFFCO-Tokio General Insurance
24Liberty General Insurance Ltd.
25Link-K Insurance TPA Pvt. Ltd.
26Magma HDI General Insurance Co. Ltd.
27ManipalCigna Health Insurance Co. Ltd.
28MD India Health Insurance TPA Pvt. Ltd.
29Medi Assist India TPA Pvt. Ltd.
30Medsave Health Insurance TPA Ltd.
31Medvantage Insurance TPA Pvt. Ltd.. (Earlier: United Health Care)
32National Insurance Co. Ltd.
33Navi General Insurance
34New India Assurance Co. Ltd.
35Niva Bupa Health Insurance Co. (Earlier: Max Bupa)
36Oriental Insurance Co. Ltd.
37Paramount Health Services & Insurance TPA Pvt. Ltd.
38Park Mediclaim Insurance TPA Pvt. Ltd.
39Raheja QBE General Insurance Co. Ltd.
40Raksha Health Insurance TPA Pvt. Ltd.
41Reliance Health Insurance Ltd.
42Rothshield Insurance TPA Ltd.
43Royal Sundaram Health Insurance
44Safeway Insurance TPA Pvt. Ltd.
45SBI General Insurance Co. Ltd
46Star Health & Allied Insurance Co. Ltd.
47Sunrise Medcorp Solution Pvt. Ltd.
48TATA AIG General Insurance Co. Ltd.
49United India Insurance Co. Ltd.
50Universal Sompo General Insurance Co. Ltd.
51Vidal Health Insurance TPA Pvt. Ltd.
52Vipul Med Corp Insurance TPA. Pvt. Ltd.
53Vision Digital Insurance TPA Pvt. Ltd.
54Volo Health Insurance TPA Pvt. Ltd.
55Zurich Kotak General Insurance Co. (India) Ltd.

Central Government Healthcare Scheme (CGHS)

The Central Government Healthcare Scheme (CGHS) was launched in 1954. It was introduced with the vision to provide comprehensive medical care to the central government workers and pensioners who are listed under this scheme. It is available for current as well as former employees.

Under the scheme, the registered people can claim beneficiaries and get facilities of the systems of medicine such as Allopathy, Homeopathy, etc.

Protocol for OPD Consultation and Investigations:

Beneficiary TypeCredit or CashRequirements
Retired (age above 70 years)CreditNo referral / permission letter required
Retired (age below 70 years)CreditValid referral / permission letter is required
WorkingCash (CGHS Rates)Can be reimbursed from respective office

CGHS Rates of Cataract Surgery:

Ward Approved Procedure Cost Approved Lens Cost Retired Beneficiary Working Beneficiary
General ₹11159 Up to ₹5800 Credit with valid referral / permission letter Cash (can be reimbursed from respective office)
Semi Private ₹12398 Up to ₹5800
Private ₹14257 Up to ₹5800

Please note: Pan India CGHS beneficiaries can avail the CGHS facilities at our hospital.

Ex-Servicemen Contributory Health Scheme (ECHS)

The Ex-Servicemen Contributory Health Scheme (ECHS) was established on 1st April 2003. The scheme runs under the supervision of the Chief of Staff Committee (COSC) through AG and DGDC&W in Army HQ, Delhi.

It aims at providing treatment for Ex-Servicemen pensioners and their dependents. The treatment will be given in any civil or private hospitals which are empaneled with the scheme. It is financed by the Govt. of India.

Today, there are over 427 polyclinics in 28 centers that are designed to provide “out-patient” and “in-patient” care available in the hospitals.

Protocol for OPD Consultation and Investigations:

Beneficiary TypeCredit or CashRequirements
Retired (age above 70 years)CreditNo referral / permission letter required
Retired (age below 70 years)CreditValid referral / permission letter is required

ECHS Rates of Cataract Surgery:

Ward Approved Procedure Cost Approved Lens Cost Retired Beneficiary
General ₹11159 Up to ₹5800
  • Credit with valid referral / permission letter
  • Cash without valid referral / permission letter
Semi Private ₹12398 Up to ₹5800
Private ₹14257 Up to ₹5800

Haryana Government Health Care Scheme

The Health Department of Haryana is headed by the General Director, Health Services. It is committed to providing the people of Haryana quality health care for physical, mental, and social well-being.

The health government is constantly upgrading its services of human resources, infrastructure, medicines, types of equipment, etc. They are providing the uttermost help needed to all categories of people including babies, infants, children, adults, mothers, couples, and senior citizens. Apart from these categories, they are also catering to the needs of the sick and traumatized victims.

They stay updated and in check with the latest diseases and have a system of planning, record, reports, and evaluations.

Protocol for OPD Consultation and Investigations:

Beneficiary TypeCredit or CashCredit or Cash
Working & RetiredCash (as per Haryana Govt rates)Valid Haryana Government Panel ID Card

Cataract Surgery is covered up to ₹60,000 + Cost of the approved lens (IOL) for Bladeless Femto Laser Cataract Surgery and LASIK Refractive Surgery is covered up to ₹45,000 as per Haryana Government Panel which can be reimbursed from their respective office.

Northern Railway Divisional Hospital (NRCH)

The Northern Railway Divisional Hospital, Delhi was established in 1936. It is one of the oldest hospitals in Indian railways, headed by the Chief Medical Superintendent/Delhi.

In terms of medical care, the employees are provided with the best and maximum facilities. However, the Divisional Hospital aims to progressively improve the living and working conditions of the Railways beneficiaries. They are committed to providing the best health care to the railway staff and their family. This helps promote a healthy living work atmosphere in the railway sector.

Health care uses the latest and advanced techniques that are cost-effective for the employees.

Protocol for OPD Consultation and Investigations:

Beneficiary TypeCredit or CashRequirements
Working & RetiredCash (CGHS Rates)Valid ID Card

Rates of Cataract Surgery:

Ward Approved Procedure Cost Approved Lens Cost Working & Retired Beneficiary
General ₹11159 Up to ₹5800
  • Credit with valid referral / permission letter
  • Cash without valid referral / permission letter
Semi Private ₹12398 Up to ₹5800
Private ₹14257 Up to ₹5800

Delhi Government Employees Health Scheme (DGEHS)

In 1997, the Delhi Government Employees Health Scheme (DGEHS) was introduced to provide medical care and facilities to the Delhi government pensioners, workers, and their dependents.

All the health facilities are run by the Govt. of NCT, Delhi, the autonomous government bodies, local bodies, and other Government bodies ( Patel Chest Institute (DU)), etc are recognized under this scheme. Some private diagnostic/hospitals are also empanelled with this scheme.

Protocol for OPD Consultation and Investigations:

Beneficiary Type Credit or Cash Requirements
Retired Credit Valid Medical ID card
Working Cash (CGHS Rates)

Govt Approved Rates of Cataract Surgeries:

Ward Approved Procedure Cost Approved Lens Cost Working & Retired Beneficiary
General ₹11159 Up to ₹5800
  • Credit with valid referral / permission letter
  • Cash without valid referral / permission letter
Semi Private ₹12398 Up to ₹5800
Private ₹14257 Up to ₹5800

Delhi University Health Scheme (DU)

Delhi University has 77 colleges affiliated with them and has been providing primary health care to its pensioners, employees, and family dependents at all private and public hospitals.

It has a World University Services (W.U.S.) Health Centre located at North Campus and South Campus providing 24*7 health care to its beneficiaries. They have full-time doctors operating from Monday to Friday, but at different times.

Protocol for OPD Consultation and Investigations:

Beneficiary TypeCredit or CashRequirements
Working & RetiredCash (CGHS Rates)Valid ID Card

Rates of Cataract Surgery:

Ward Approved Procedure Cost Approved Lens Cost Working & Retired Beneficiary
General ₹11159 Up to ₹5800
  • Credit with valid referral / permission letter
  • Cash without valid referral / permission letter
Semi Private ₹12398 Up to ₹5800
Private ₹14257 Up to ₹5800

Delhi Development Authority (DDA)

Delhi Development Authority (DDA) launched a health scheme intending to provide comprehensive medical health care facilities to Delhi Development Authority (DDA) employees, pensioners, and their family dependents on the basis of the requirement plan.

Recently, DDA issued a biometric card to its employees for getting treatment at any of the empanelled hospitals in the city. It is issued under a scheme called the Swarn Jayanti Arogya Yojana.

Protocol for OPD Consultation and Investigations:

Beneficiary TypeCredit or CashRequirements
Working & RetiredCash (CGHS Rates)Valid ID Card

Rates of Cataract Surgery:

Ward Approved Procedure Cost Approved Lens Cost Working & Retired Beneficiary
General ₹11159 Up to ₹5800 Cash (can be reimbursed from respective office)
Semi Private ₹12398 Up to ₹5800
Private ₹14257 Up to ₹5800

Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC)

Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC) launched a health scheme intending to provide comprehensive medical facilities to Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC) employees and their dependents on the pattern of Central Government Health Scheme – Reimbursement basis.

As drafted by the government, under the CGHS, DTC employees will be entitled to all treatments, including surgery and medical tests at 44 empanelled hospitals.

Protocol for OPD Consultation and Investigations:

Beneficiary TypeCredit or CashRequirements
Working & RetiredCash (CGHS Rates)Valid ID Card

Rates of Cataract Surgery:

Ward Approved Procedure Cost Approved Lens Cost Working & Retired Beneficiary
General ₹11159 Up to ₹5800 Cash (can be reimbursed from respective office)
Semi Private ₹12398 Up to ₹5800
Private ₹14257 Up to ₹5800

Airport Authority of India (AAI)

(AAI) is a Public Sector Unit (PSU) that is under the welfare scheme that always endeavors to provide world-class health facilities to employees and their inwards.

Keeping with the continuous endeavor, AAI has tie-ups with various hospitals across the country including Eye7 Hospitals/Chaudhary Eye Centre on the CASHLESS pattern.

The same pattern followed by the other PSUs which has empanelled with us i.e Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO), Food Corporation of India (FCI), World Health Organisation (WHO), Indian Council of Agricultural Research ICAR), Krishi Bhawan, Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), Pusa Road.

Protocol for OPD Consultation and Investigations:

Beneficiary TypeCredit or CashRequirements
Working & RetiredCash (CGHS Rates)Valid ID Card

Rates of Cataract Surgery:

Ward Approved Procedure Cost Approved Lens Cost Working & Retired Beneficiary
General ₹11159 Up to ₹5800
  • Credit with valid referral / permission letter
  • Cash without valid referral / permission letter
Semi Private ₹12398 Up to ₹5800
Private ₹14257 Up to ₹5800

Paramilitary Forces of India

Ayushman CAPF is the government’s health care scheme for the Central Armed Police Forces. It was recently launched on 23rd January 2021 by the Union Home Minister Amit Shah at a function in Assam.

This health insurance will benefit over 50 lakh people. The CAPF personnel from all the 7 forces i.e, Assam Rifles, CISF, BSF, CRPF, NSG, ITBP, and SSB, and their dependents can avail these cashless healthcare services. The CAPF or Government-owned facilities may avail the CGHS & PM-JAY empaneled private hospital.

This also means that as a beneficiary, one may avail cashless OPD/IPD treatment, including diagnostics at CGHS or CAPF empanelled private hospitals.

Protocol for OPD Consultation and Investigations:

Beneficiary TypeCredit or CashRequirements
Working & RetiredCreditValid ID Card

Rates of Cataract Surgery:

Ward Approved Procedure Cost Approved Lens Cost Working & Retired Beneficiary
General ₹11159 Up to ₹5800 Cash (can be reimbursed from respective office)
Semi Private ₹12398 Up to ₹5800
Private ₹14257 Up to ₹5800